Weekly Essay
Parashat Toledot — Executives Series - 5761
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Toledot Structure — presented in 1987 at Yigal Alon Histadrut Center
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Toledot for Undergraduates — 5761
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Overview of Toledot
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Toledot for Executives — Executive Learning Group, 2000
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Toledot - Transitions
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Toledot - Developments — Undergraduate - 5763 ThemeToledot as the embodiment of the embedded sense of process that emerges of the two stories of Creation, differing in דין קשיא vs. דין רפיא precisely as יצחק ורבקה. Indeed, in the final analysis the difference between יעקב ועשו themselves turns out to be a question of how those two levels interrelate, a question of whether גן עדן ובגדיו is meant to include בוגדיו and the process that demands them, or whether גן עדן ובגדיו serve as a portal to a reality which is the full description of ברית and the field within which we operate, any emergent elements not being a part of the world we inhabit within brit/covenant. The latter דעת of עשו was actually shared initially by יצחק (and is shared today by whole segments of the Orthodox population!).
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Advanced Toledot — "Advanced FrameWorks" Series presented to Kolel Fellows, 1995 ThemeThis is the parasha that actually defines the nature of “Tolada.” We discover that “tolada” is possible only through a developed relationship with woman and motherhood. Explorations of the relationship of אם, בינה,אשה, תולדה and the reason for matrilinear descent. The expression of Ya'akov from Avraham and Yitzhak come here only through Rivka, and the relationship of יעקב ועשיו is defined entirely by the relationship to רבקה.