פרה 5776 Shemini - Para Audio https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-5776.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! 5775 Vayakhel/Pekudei - Para Thesis https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/vayakhel_pekudei%26para-5775thesis.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Part 1 https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/vayakhel_pikudei%26para-5775a.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Part 2 https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/vayakhel_pikudei%26para-5775b.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Texts 5774 Shemini - Para Theme https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-5774theme.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Part 1 https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-5774a.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Part 2 https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-5774b.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Texts 5773 Ki Tisa - Para Part 1 https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/kitisa-para5773a.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Part 2 https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/kitisa-para5773b.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Texts https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/kitisa-para5773texts.pdf You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! 5772 Vayakhel/Pekudei - Para Audio https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/parah-5772.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Texts https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/2shemot/parah-5772texts.pdf You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! 5771 Shemini - Para Audio https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-5771.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! Texts Waldman Texts 5768 Shemini - Para Audio https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-68.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited! 5765 Shemini - Para Audio https://www.thelivingtree.org/media-redirect/?file=audio/chumash/3vayikra/shemini%26para-65.mp3 You need to suggest a tag! Your tag suggestion was submited! You need to select a tag first! The tag was submited!